A Gym Family Is Important, Here Are 6 Reasons Why

You wouldn’t want to go somewhere you’re uncomfortable, right? Whether it’s your hairdresser, your accountant, or a babysitter, you want to feel comfortable with the places and people you spend time with and whom you put your trust into.
The same goes for your gym. There’s nothing worse than walking into a gym and seeing people who are half your age deadlifting 300 pounds or feeling a sense of dread when you walk in. That’s why having a supportive gym family is essential!
At Peak Physique, we strive to provide a supportive family atmosphere for every person who walks through our doors. We believe it’s so important, in fact, that we’ve compiled the six reasons why having a gym family is important to your fitness success, as well as to your personal life.
Unparalleled Support
Support is huge in fitness and is imperative to staying motivated. Walking in somewhere and knowing that everyone has your back and wants you to succeed just as much as you do is a huge motivator.
At Peak Physique, we need you to know that our success depends on your success, and we want you to reach those goals. It’s not just your trainers who want you to succeed, but the people around you, your gym family, who want you to succeed as well. On your most down days, you’ll have people supporting you and helping to get you through it.
Eliminates Intimidation
Intimidation is absolutely a motivation killer, in our opinion. The community in which you choose to work out has a huge influence on how intimidating your experience will or will not be.
When exploring your options for using a new gym or trainer, ask yourself: are the people friendly? Do they push you in a positive, motivating way, or do they make you feel not quite good enough?
Check out some of our other tips when looking to hire a personal trainer.
We think one of the most important things to look out for is whether this place feels like a gym family. Can you see yourself really fitting in with the support system? And also, think about how you feel or felt when you first walked into the gym. Were you intimidated? Or did you feel welcomed by both the staff and people who were working out there? If you felt intimidated, then it might be a good idea to try to find somewhere else where you feel comfortable.
Gym Community That Turns Into A Gym Family
A gym community can be so much more than just seeing each other at the gym. Some of our very best friends are the people that we see in the gym with us every day. We see genuine, real friendships among our clients form right in front of us in the gym and have seen so many people’s lives change for the better.
For example, a few of our clients recently set up an opportunity for our gym to adopt a kindergarten classroom for Christmas. The amount of generosity from our clients to these children is truly remarkable. This is just one example of how our clients have been able to change lives outside and inside of the gym by banding together to make a difference.
Just look at how happy these kids are, and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without our gym family there helping to get it done.
We’re so thankful to our gym family for allowing us to have this experience and opportunity to help our community.
Your Gym Family Has Healthy Long-Term Benefits
Having friends from your gym community can have long-term health benefits. Like-minded individuals can help keep us on track with eating and staying active. We hear clients sharing healthy recipes, ideas to stay active when they can’t quite make it to the gym, and sharing ways they’ve managed to get more sleep.
When we go out to eat with clients, I definitely order a healthy meal. That’s what’s very rewarding, too, having that supportive gym family who wants to eat and be healthier, so when you go out together, you’re all making sure you’re being healthy while still having a good time.
Constant Encouragement
Seeing people in your gym community that are different ages and ability levels but still all encouraging each other can help you see the big picture.
We know some of our clients have said to themselves, “Wow, if that person can do that at 70, I want to be able to do that too! I need to keep trying!” which is great! They want to be better by that age and are starting young to get there.
You could even be that person that’s encouraging others in your gym family as well; it’s nice to not only look up to others but to also have others looking up to you. It gives you a sense of importance and family.
Gym Family Over Frustration
When frustration hits in the gym, which, let’s be honest, it always does at some point, your gym family won’t let you quit. You can bet there will absolutely be texts coming to ask where you’ve been, how you’re doing, and if everything is okay.
These will come both from your trainer and your fellow workout partners. Share those struggles with your trainers and workout partners because we can guarantee someone has experienced the same issue and can help you through it.
We’ve all been there where you hit a weight loss plateau, or just can’t quite get your balance or mobility where you think it should be, or you just aren’t increasing in strength like you’d like to be. Your gym family is there to share ideas, encouragement, and previous experience. When you’re feeling the most down on yourself with your fitness goals, you can rely on your gym family to be there to help pick up the pieces and get you right on track.
Join Your Gym Family Today
Overall, your gym family is there to support you and help you reach your goal. Whether it’s your trainer or training partner, gym families are important for your morale and health.
Are you looking for somewhere that can turn into your gym family? Contact Peak Physique today and get a free consultation!