Add These Healthy Spices To Your Meals For Guilt-Free Flavor

Herbs and healthy spices make every meal better. In fact, there have been many wars in history fought over spices!
Thankfully, we don’t need to fight for our spices anymore, but we still don’t think many people understand how amazing herbs are.
They taste great and have a variety of health benefits you don’t want to miss. Keep reading to learn more about them!
Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is seriously a super spice. You can add it to meals, drink it in teas, and help fight the growth of bacteria. By eating or drinking it, you can keep your mouth healthier. Ginger contains gingerols, which keep oral bacteria at bay.
If you have an upset stomach and grew up in Michigan, you’re given a Vernors. You start to feel better by drinking it, and it’s not a placebo. It’s proven that ginger settles your stomach and helps to reduce nausea.
If you have sore muscles or pain from arthritis, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties are perfect for you. Either drink it or use it as a compress for localized pain.
Turmeric Health Benefits
Turmeric is a relative of ginger and offers its own incredible health benefits as well. Turmeric has been shown to help with depression because of the curcumin inside turmeric. More research needs to be done, but scientists are excited about the potential curcumin can have.
Curcumin in turmeric also helps with type 2 diabetes. It helps to fight inflammation and keeps blood sugar regular. It isn’t a cure, but it can be used to help control and prevent diabetes.
If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), turmeric can help to alleviate the pain from menstrual cramps. Also, don’t let high cholesterol hold you back, as turmeric could help with your heart. There are many other benefits, such as helping with headaches, preventing acne, and alleviating IBS symptoms.
Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants that help to protect your body. It’s also so powerful that it can be used as a natural food preservative. If you find you have more inflammation than usual, try adding a sprinkle of cinnamon to help.
Another great benefit of cinnamon is that it helps fight bacterial and fungal infections. It’s also been shown to prevent the growth of Listeria and Salmonella.
In addition to all of those, cinnamon helps to reduce heart disease, lower blood sugar, and in some cases, has helped protect against cancer.
Clove Health Benefits
Cloves are high in antioxidants, which help prevent oxidative stress, which contributes to chronic diseases. Along with many of the other spices we’ve been talking about, clove can kill bacteria and help with your oral health. Don’t let ulcers keep you in pain, either, as clove can help to reduce those as well.
If you have liver issues, make sure to include clove into your diet. It’s been shown to help reverse the signs of cirrhosis and reduce inflammation. Clove can also help to regulate blood sugar and in some cases, helps to prevent cancer.
For those with osteoporosis or a risk of it, cloves can help to promote bone health. Thanks to being rich in manganese, clove helps to increase bone mineral density, but more tests are needed.
Health Benefits of Sage
Sage has a lot of nutrients and is very rich in vitamin K. It’s great for oral health and has many antimicrobial properties. For women going through menopause, make sure to include sage into your diet, as it helps to ease the symptoms caused by a decrease in estrogen.
In some studies, sage has been shown to mimic estrogen-like properties, which is why scientists believe it’s able to help with menopause. Sage is also shown to reduce blood sugar levels and lower the bad cholesterol that can build up.
You can also eat sage to help support memory and brain health, even in patients with Alzheimer’s. It’s super easy to add sage into your diet, such as adding it to soups, seasoning veggies with it, or using it as a rub for your meat.
Peppermint Health Benefits
Peppermint is one of the best things for an upset stomach. If you have IBS, peppermint can be something to help reduce the gas and stomach pain you experience. Next time you feel a headache coming up, reach for some peppermint to help reduce the pain.
It’s also one of the best things to use when you have a stuffy nose. Just one sniff will help to clear your sinuses, making it a little easier to breathe. Not only that, but its antimicrobial effects will also help to heal you.
Next time you’re feeling a little down, take a little bit of peppermint oil to fight off sleepiness. It also helps to curb your appetite, making it easier to stick to the healthy foods you want to eat.
Health Benefits of Garlic
Not just for fighting off vampires. Garlic will help to boost your immune system to prevent and fight illnesses. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.
Thanks to its antibiotic properties, garlic has been shown to prevent or stop the growth of fungi, bacteria, and viral infections. If you’re an athlete, make sure to add garlic to your diet, as it reduces weariness and boosts your ability to keep going.
If you’re looking for a way to detox your body of anything, make sure to eat a lot of garlic since it helps to take chemicals out of your body.
Add These Healthy Spices to Your Meals
Now that you know our favorite healthy spices start incorporating them into your diet. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel after just a few days.
If you’re looking to combine diet with exercise to improve your life, consider personal training. At Peak Physique, we help everyone reach their goals and live a healthier life without compromising the food and activities they love.
Take your fitness journey to the next level, and contact Peak Physique today.