Working Out With A Trainer: 6 Reasons You Need To

It’s tough to decide whether you should be working out with a trainer or working out alone. This is especially true if you’re relatively new to working out.
At Peak Physique, we truly believe it’s better to start off by working out with a trainer, and we’re going to explain our six reasons why we believe working out with a trainer is better.
Information On Fitness Is Everywhere
In a world where there’s a new fitness fad every few months or so, it can get confusing to know what you should be doing when considering how you should work out. You never really know what you can trust when researching the best ways to work out or how you can reach your goals.
This is why working out with a trainer is beneficial. Your trainer is well-versed in fitness tactics and techniques, not in fitness fads. Working out with a trainer will give you information that’s tailored to you and your lifestyle. You can trust the information your trainer gives you is correct.
Fitness Is Not One Size Fits All
Typically, when you look up workouts online or go into a gym that’s just machines, the workouts you end up doing fall under a ‘one size fits all’ umbrella. Meaning the training you’re doing is the same one everyone else is doing. Your goals may differ wildly from those of the person working out next to you, so it doesn’t make sense to do the same exercises, eat the same foods, and follow the same program.
When working out with a trainer, they are able to teach you exercises that are specific to the goals you have, and they’re tailored to what’s going to work best with your body.
If you want to train online, make sure you’re using an online personal trainer that creates exercise routines unique to your goals.
Push Your Limits
Working out with a trainer helps to push your limits. You’re not going to plateau when you exercise with a trainer because they are constantly creating new workouts for you. When you think you’ve hit the top, your trainer is going to show you another new workout to do so you can reach the next top level.
When you think you can’t do one more rep, your trainer is going to be there encouraging you and knowing you can do that extra rep. When you workout alone, it’s easy to become complacent and only do the same exercises repeatedly, never getting you to the next level. Also, when working out alone, it can be hard to know when you’re pushing yourself too far because you don’t want to get hurt.
Personal trainers understand what the body can and cannot do, and they’re going to push you as hard as you can handle while making sure you’re not going to get hurt. With personal trainers, you can feel confident in working out.
On Your Schedule
A lot of people simply don’t think they have enough time to be working out with a trainer. The reality is working out with a trainer happens on your schedule. You choose the times to go in, and your trainers will work to keep you in your schedule.
Working out with a trainer on a schedule can also help you create a routine in your life so you don’t constantly feel like you’re too busy to be doing anything. Many personal training studios offer flexible hours in the morning, during the day, and in the afternoon, and you don’t have to come at the same time each week either.
If one day you need to come in early in the morning, and another you need to come later in the evening, your personal training studios are well-equipped to meet your schedule.
Good Habits
It can take up to a few weeks to form good habits, and it can take even longer to break bad ones. Working out with a trainer helps you to form good habits and stick with them. You’re accountable to your trainer when you sign up and pay for sessions, so you’re more likely to stick to the routine of working out on a consistent basis.
The longer you go to your trainer, the more natural it’s going to feel to continue going to them. You’ll even find if you happen to skip a session, you’re going to miss it and work towards not having to miss any more sessions. You’ll eventually find that you like going to your workout sessions and are going to like how it feels.
Beyond Fitness
Not only can working out with a trainer help you with your workouts, but your trainers go beyond fitness. Much like a hairstylist does more than just cut your hair, a personal trainer can be someone to vent to and someone you can confide in.
Usually, people don’t want to hear about your aches and pains, but your personal trainer would be more than happy to not only listen but offer ways to help alleviate that pain. Also, like a hairstylist suggesting which products to put in your hair, a personal trainer can help steer you to healthier foods that complement the workouts you’re doing.
Usually, it’s not enough to just workout to reach your fitness goals; you need to eat right as well as exercise to meet your goals. This is why working out with a trainer is beneficial because they can tell you what types of foods to eat and what types to stay away from for your specific body type and goals.
BONUS: Training For An Event
If you’re training for a marathon, triathlon, or another fitness-based event, working out with a trainer can give you a leg up compared to other competitors. Your trainer will help by coming up with the best workouts to train you for your event. Your trainer will also help you avoid injury by ensuring you’re working out with the proper form. This way, when you compete, you’re competing in the best form possible and not pushing yourself too far.
When getting ready for an event, your trainer can come up with a personalized plan meant to get your body ready for the event with a good workout schedule.
Start Working Out With A Trainer At Peak Physique
At Peak Physique, we’re here to help our clients reach their goals and live a better life. We offer many types of personal training sessions and have one that will work with you.
Contact us today, and start living a better, more active lifestyle.