How To Find The Best Local Personal Trainers

Local personal trainers aren’t one-size-fits-all. You need to find one that’s going to mesh with your personality and is close enough that you can see regularly. There are a few things you’re going to want to consider when looking for local personal trainers.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know when looking for local personal trainers.
Questions To Ask
When looking for local personal trainers, you’re going to want to ask them a few questions. Think of these questions like an interview, and be sure the trainer and you are going to mesh.
The first and most important question to ask is what certifications they have. There are many certifications for trainers to choose from; NASM, ACE, ACSM, ISSA, and NSCA are a few of them. At Peak Physique, the majority of our trainers are NASM certified through the National Personal Training Institute. However, we do believe diversity is key to a successful business, so we welcome all types of certifications as well.
Ask if you can try one session and see if the trainer is a good fit. You want to make sure your personalities are going to mesh and that you like the style of training. A trial workout also gives you a feel for how you’re going to feel when you’re there. It’s important to be comfortable in your workout environment, as well as trust the trainer to help you with your workout.
As for client recommendations. If the trainer is local, they most likely have clients in the area, and it is totally acceptable to ask for a recommendation. Do your homework and speak with a client or two and get their opinions. Requesting one session with a trainer can let you know if your personality is a good fit if they have the knowledge to plan a program for your goals, and if the workout is something that you’ll enjoy.
Ask how long they’ve been training for and their typical clientele. You want someone with experience, and especially experience with someone like you. For example, if you’re a female in their 40s and 50s, you want a trainer with experience with older women. If the trainer typically works with 20 and 30-year-olds, their training could be too intense for you and your needs.
Why Hire Local Personal Trainers
There are many reasons to hire a personal trainer. Trainers help to motivate you, help keep your focus, and create plans that are safe for you to perform.
When you hire a personal trainer, you become accountable to them. They’ll make sure you show up for your workouts and you workout on a consistent basis. A personal trainer is your best workout friend; they want to see you succeed and know how to help you succeed.
One of the most important reasons to hire a personal trainer is because working out with a trainer is safer than working out alone. Trainers understand how your body is supposed to move and how to push the limit without going too far. They will teach you the right technique and ensure that you won’t get hurt.
About Our Local Personal Trainers
If you’re looking for local personal trainers in Troy, a good place to start is with Peak Physique! Five of our trainers went to the local NPTI and spend time working out together a few times a week.
As local trainers and members of our Troy community, we occasionally workout together away from the gym at places such as Bloomer Park in Rochester. A few years ago, Debbie, a previous trainer of ours, and Lissa ran in a Warrior Dash with two of our great clients.
These are just a few examples of why hiring local personal trainers committed to our client’s success and the community is the best way to go.
Find Trainers Active In Your Community
Nick and Lissa Pietrykowski own Peak Physique, and both are heavily involved in the community. Nick is a part of the Rochester Rotary, and Lissa belongs to both the Troy and Waterford Chambers of Commerce. They donate to events such as the Taste of Troy, fundraisers for Troy schools, and volunteer their time to help educate the community on wellness.
Being a part of the Troy community, we are also able to make recommendations for our clients. We know that we are unable to solve all the problems that our clients encounter, but we may know someone who could help. We work closely with several other small businesses in the area to ensure that if our clients need a massage, cryotherapy, or chiropractic care, they have trusted options.
Start Personal Training Today
If you’re looking for local personal trainers in the Troy, Michigan, area, look no further than Peak Physique! Our friendly staff will help you reach your fitness goals in a healthy way. Contact us today to get your first session free!
If you’re looking for more information about personal training, be sure to check out some of our other blogs!