Learn The 10 Benefits Of Online Personal Training

A question we get asked often is, “what are the benefits of online personal training?” We’ve written about this before, but truly believe it’s such an important topic, so we wanted to write about it again!
Keep reading to learn our top ten benefits of online personal training so you can
1. It’s Healthy To Workout
First and foremost, it’s healthy for you to workout! There are so many health benefits of working out at least twice a week and being able to workout online with a personal trainer will help you even more.
Depending on your age, health, and exercise history, you could safely workout twice a week. If you haven’t worked out in a while, don’t expect to jump right back into your old workout routine. It’s going to take time for your body to get back into its regular workout, and that is okay!
2. Saves Money Compared To In-Person Workout
If money has been tight, and so has your waistband, then online personal training can be a way for you to get moving without spending as much as you would on an in-person class. For example, at Peak Physique, we offer online training programs starting as little as $29 a week, with an intro offer of $7 for 7 days of workouts.
3. Safety Concerns Over Covid
Obviously working out online compared to in-person is much safer during these covid times. Limiting contact with other people is one of the best ways to protect yourself from this disease. We understand your health is important to you, which is why we love online personal training.
4. Flexible Workout Times
Look we get it, life gets in the way and we get busy! Sometimes the urge to workout hits you at 7 AM or 10 PM and that is okay. We’re all different, and that’s what makes us all great!
That’s the benefit of online personal training – you can workout whenever you want to. The program and workouts are available to you 24/7 so you never have an excuse to miss a workout again!
5. Support Local Businesses
One of the best ways to support your local personal trainer is by signing up for their online program. You order online or do curbside pickup or delivery for food, groceries, prescriptions, and pretty much everything else nowadays, so why not personal training as well?
Small businesses like ours were hit hard during the initial round of closings – and continue to be hit hard as the pandemic looms over our heads. Like every other small, locally owned business, the best way to help is by buying their services they have available.
6. Easy To Get Started
Don’t think that it takes a lot to get started with online personal training – it really doesn’t. There’s a shortlist of equipment you need, and you can get started almost immediately after deciding to sign up.
Once you have your equipment all you have to do is set up your computer and an area to work out and you’re ready to go!
7. Work Directly With A Professional
When you find the right online personal training studio you get to work directly with a professional. The workouts you’re given are tailored to your needs and your goals so you’re not just working out effectively, but also safely.
There are a lot of hidden dangers when it comes to online personal training, so it’s important to find one where you’re working with professionals and not just someone who set up a camera in their home to make extra money.
Check out our tips for hiring a personal trainer so you end up with a trainer and training program that’s safe and effective for you.
8. More Accountability And Motivation
One of the reasons we say you should always hire a personal trainer is so you have someone you’re accountable for, and to help motivate you through those workouts. By working out with an online trainer they’ll push you to do exercises you need to in order to reach your goals. Whereas when you’re working out alone you may go easy on yourself and do the same, non-effective workout over and over again.
Commit to an online personal trainer and you’ll see how helpful they can be at getting you to work out consistently and effectively.
9. Progressing In Your Workouts
Not only do trainers help you stay accountable and motivated, they help keep you on a path towards growth. Don’t get stuck in a stalemate where you’re either not losing the weight you want, or you’re not gaining the muscles you want. Work with a trainer who can gradually, and safely, increase the intensity of your workout so you keep seeing the results you want.
10. It’s Fun!
I know, you’re saying “of course the personal trainer thinks working out is fun,” but honestly, it is! There’s such a great feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment when you complete a workout. We feel our clients have fun because of what we bring to the table, and we have fun because of what our clients bring to the table!
Even though we’re not as close as we usually are, we still have a lot of fun in our online community and we would love for you to join it!
Reap The Benefits Of Online Personal Training Today
Now that you know our top ten benefits of online personal training, find the right personal trainer for you! Once you start we promise you’ll start to feel better after only a few workouts.
If you’re in the Troy area or are looking for professional personal trainers, give us a call. We help people near and far reach their fitness goals and we can’t wait to help you too!