Lissa Pietrykowski
Hi, I’m Lissa Pietrykowski, Co-Owner and Personal Trainer At Peak Physique. I’ve been training since Fall 2014 and received my certification from the National Personal Training Institute. I also have a BS in Biology from U of M.
Favorite Personal Training Moments
I had a moment recently that made me so grateful and proud to be a trainer and even more proud of our gym. I asked a client how her weekend was, and she openly admitted it wasn’t a good weekend and that her antidepressant medication hadn’t been working. Her depression was becoming increasingly worse, and she had almost no motivation to do anything. She had an appointment with her psychiatrist later that day to discuss changing her medication.
While this situation may not at first seem like a win, I believe it was. First, she felt comfortable speaking with me and her workout partner about her struggles. Second, she showed up even though she was struggling with motivation. Third, she put the work in and did the workout even though it was incredibly challenging that day.
My favorite part of being a trainer is being able to help someone, and knowing that our gym is a safe space for people makes me incredibly proud. Not everyone loves to workout but if we can provide a place for them to confidently move their body and feel safe talking about their struggles, I feel as though we’re doing a good job.
Why I Like Training
My favorite part of being a trainer is getting to know my clients. I am able to talk with, get to know, and become close with so many amazing people. I feel like I learn just as much from my clients as they learn from us in the gym.
I also think it’s an amazing platform to be able to talk about mental health and the impact that our physical and emotional health have on mental health. To me, exercise is not just about looking better but feeling better in your mind, body, and soul.
Why I’m A Trainer
I’ve always loved to exercise but I became interested in becoming a trainer after I had thyroid cancer. I was 32 years old and had a 5 ½ year old, 3 ½ year old, and a 1 ½ year old.
It was a very difficult and trying time in my life, and after I came out the other side of it I decided that I wanted to control my health as much as it’s possible. I never wanted to feel that helpless again, to not only not be able to take care of my children but also myself.
My Advice To People Who Want To Workout
I would say it’s very important to have a consultation with any prospective trainers. Ask them where they received their certifications, how long they’ve been a personal trainer, and what type of training they do. I would also suggest asking for a free workout if they don’t offer one. Success with a trainer comes when you trust your trainer. Not every person is going to be the right fit and that is absolutely fine. That is why we offer a free consultation and a free workout/evaluation. We want you to be sure that we are the right fit to help you reach your goals and feel successful in the gym.
I would also say that it is completely normal to feel nervous starting an exercise program. I’ve had so many people tell me they were waiting to get a trainer until they were in better shape or lost weight. DON’T WAIT! That is exactly what we’re here for and our gym is judgment-free. Everyone starts somewhere and starting is always the hardest part.
Get To Know Your Trainer
My Family
I have four kids! Trent is 17 years old, and an avid gamer. Meggie is 14 years old, a basketball player, and makes me laugh every single day. Jilli is 12 years old, a basketball player, and is the biggest Stranger Things fan I’ve ever met. Cole is 7, loves to talk, sing, dance, play, and is obsessed with dinosaurs. We have a brown anole and a leopard gecko that hold down the fort while we are out and about with our busy kids.
My Hobbies
I am an avid reader and am usually reading two books. I love science fiction and fantasy but lately have been on a Stephen King kick (not his horror books). Reading is my very favorite thing to do besides spending time with my family. I love watching my kids play sports or perform in theatre/choir, watching Michigan football, hanging out at home, and spending time with my husband. I also enjoy bike rides and walking our dogs, Luke and Obi.
A Little More About Me
I believe that relationships only work with strong communication and that includes the trainer/client relationship. You won’t hurt my feelings by telling me how you feel-ever. I’d rather be able to communicate with you because that’s how you’re going to reach your goals. I promise to do my very best to help you get there and will tell you exactly what I think you need to do.